Great article. I was gutted when Nigerians didn't win at the Grammy. It made me think. What about our local awards? Why should we depend on the Grammy to determine the best music?

Nigeria's greatest musicians never won the Grammy. P Square never won it. Majek Fashek never won it. Andy Shurman never won it. Fela never won it. Sunny Ade never won it. Ebenezer Obey never won it. Yet, they belong among the greatest Nigerian musicians. Why should we depend on the Grammy? Thanks for making me think with your article. We need to come back home.

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Interesting article. I think you can’t mention Nigerian snubs without mentioning how black American and Caribbean people are routinely snubbed at these award shows. Honestly, and I know it seems like crumbs, but the fact that Nigerian artists were nominated was a huge deal. Beyoncé has literally never won album of the year as big as she is. Now is definitely the time to reinvest in your local awards show but don’t let this hinder the genre from putting out new and authentic music. People are listening, watching and waiting for the true potential of Afrobeats to hit the world stage.

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Well said and noted with touch of accuracy and bitter truth which many still find hard to chew and swallow.

However, speaking of the home awards; are they not also playing the games of nepotism?

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